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Forecasted Conditions for:
Site Name Launch Forecast
Big Sur Wild Cattle
Burney Mountain Lookout Tower
Cayucos Cayucos
Dunlap Main Launch
Ed Levin 1750ft - Various Launches
Elk Mountain North Launch
Elk Mountain South Launch
Fort Funston Fort Funston
Goat Mountain Main Launch
Hat Creek Rim Main Launch
Herd Peak Main Launch
Hollister Tow Rig
Hull Peak
Hull Timberline
Indian Valley Burn Launch
Kenosha Pass, CO Main Launch
Marina Beach Paraglider Launch
Marina Beach Reservation Road
Mattole Beach Upper Launch
McClure Main Launch
McClure South Launch
Mission Ridge East Launch
Mission Ridge Main Launch
Mt. Diablo Juniper
Mt. Diablo Navy Towers - West
Mt. Diablo RDS/American Tower
Mt. Tamalpais A Launch
Mt. Tamalpais B Launch
Mt. Tamalpais C Launch
Mt. Tamalpais LZ - Stinson Beach
Plowshear Backside
Plowshear Front side
Potato Hill Main Launch
Slide Mountain Main Launch
St John Main Launch
Sugarloaf Peak (Tit) North Side
Table Bluff Main Launch
Ute Pass, CO Main Launch
Villa Grove, CO Main
Waddell Creek Waddell Creek
Whale Hill, CO Main Launch
Whaleback Main Launch

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  Best conditions      Marginal conditions      Non-flyable

The fine print: (c) 2006 soarcast.com. Soarcast makes no warranty to the accuracy of stated conditions.
Weather data gathered from the National Weather Service (noaa.gov). Accuracy of soarcast is at the mercy
of noaa.gov, so don't be mad at me if you show up somewhere to fly and it's no good! :)
Also, pliots need to use judgement when deciding whether or not to fly. Always stay within
your capabilities, and within USHGA guidelines for your rating and experience level.

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